Abstract Base Class in Python

Abstract Base Class - Python

An abstract base class is a class defined as a blueprint for other classes. Abstract base classes are a powerful feature in python since they help you define a blueprint for other classes that may have something in common.


Fruits are a general term for something natural that we can eat. It is usually sweet, colorful and has a shape. Now, that is a general overview of what a fruit is. We might have a specific kind of fruit like a mango. Let's say we have a normal mango and a wild mango. The normal one is usually sweeter than the wild mango. But both are mangoes, and mango is a fruit. There cannot exist a fruit which has no color or shape.

You can think of Fruit as a base class or metaclass for the mango class. Under the mango class, we can have two instaces of it, a wild and a normal mango. It should have a color and a shape or it just does not make any sense.

With abstract base classes, it similar to the fruits case. An abstract base class is defined on which other classes will be based on. Those other classes cannot exist if they don't have the attributes and or methods of the abstract base class.

Why Abstract

An abstract base class is said "Abstract" because it is non existent, it is just an ideal way for some other class to exist but it cannot exist on its own.

The Code

Python provides an easy way of creating an abstract base class through a built-in module called abc (Stands for Abstract Base Class).

We will be based on the fruits example to create our class. Throughout this tutorial, i will make use of the abbreviation ABC to represent Abstract Base Class

Here is a simple ABC.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Fruit(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def getshape(self):

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

class Mango(Fruit):
    def __init__(self, taste="Sweet"):
        self.shape = "Oval"
        self.taste = taste
        self.color = "Orange"

    def getshape(self):
        return self.shape

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

normal_mango = Mango()
wild_mango = Mango("Sour")

What happens in the code above is that we create a blueprint for a fruit class. We then create a method which all other classes will inherit from. Since we want the getshape() method to be inherited by all other classes, we add the @abstractmethod decorator on it.

We then create Mango class which is based on Fruit. Our fruit should have a shape, so we add it in the initializer. We then add the getshape() method so we can get the shape of the Mango. You can guess the remaining lines, we are just creating an instance of Mango and calling getshape() to get the shape.

Let us create another class which will be based on Fruit class. This time, let us ignore the gettaste() method and see what happens. Add the following code :

class Orange(Fruit):
    def __init__(self):       
        self.color = "Orange"
        self.shape = "Spherical"

    def getshape(self):
        return self.shape

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

my_orange = Orange()

Now run the code. You notice we get an error telling us we cannot instantiate an orange unless we have implemented the gettaste() method.

Just like in our fruits example, our orange cannot exist unless we can get its taste.

Modify the code to look like this

class Orange(Fruit):
    def __init__(self):
        self.taste = "Sweet"
        self.color = "Orange"
        self.shape = "Spherical"

    def getshape(self):
        return self.shape

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

my_orange = Orange()

If we run the above code, we don't get an error again, that is because we can now get the taste of our fruit.

Your final code should look similar to this

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Fruit(metaclass=ABCMeta):

    def getshape(self):

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

class Mango(Fruit):
    def __init__(self, taste="Sweet"):
        self.shape = "Oval"
        self.taste = taste
        self.color = "Orange"

    def getshape(self):
        return self.shape

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

normal_mango = Mango()
wild_mango = Mango("Sour")

class Orange(Fruit):
    def __init__(self):
        self.taste = "Sweet"
        self.color = "Orange"
        self.shape = "Spherical"

    def getshape(self):
        return self.shape

    def getcolor(self):
        return self.color

    def gettaste(self):
        return self.taste

my_orange = Orange()

We have probably just scratched the surface of ABC on python. I recommend you to go through Python documentation to learn more about them here

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as i did writing it.